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Showing posts from January, 2020

2020 Running Resolutions

Happy New Year! Each year I like to reflect on my journey as a runner. This year I celebrated 9 years as a runner. I started running in 2011 and haven't stopped since. This year brought new challenges. I'm older and it's harder for me to get up and run in the morning. I also started working at a job I have to commute longer and report to the office earlier. Additionally, I was sidelined for nearly the entire month of October while I recovered from a concussion. I initially wanted to run 1,000 miles in 2019, and I fell 225.39 miles short. I'm still very proud of every run I was able to get out and do, even the short, hard ones. I'm also using this data to set goals for 2020. I've got to adjust my goal based on the upcoming Presidential campaign cycle (I work in politics) and my wedding in June 2020. I'd like to run 600 miles in 2020. What's your running resolution?