COVID-19 has negatively impacted so many people. I've been lucky to be healthy and that the people I love are safe. Besides the virus that is making hundreds of people sick and killing people every day, there are other real consequences. People are out of work, kids are out of school and businesses and organizations are suffering. I'm also planning a June 13th wedding and I know that the celebration I've prepared for is more than likely not the event we'll have. With everything going on, it's nice to focus on something good. Our family has gotten to spend some real quality time together, and the kids are dealing with staying home really well. I'm lucky to have a home office that helps me to remain effective and efficient at work. Each day I find myself getting lots done, and still able to take care of the house and spend time with my fiance and his kids. I'm also able to run more than I had been before. Since the Michigan Governor issued a stay-at-ho...
I'm struggling, and I know I'm not the only one. There is something super isolating about quarantine. COVID-19 is scary. I spend most of my day monitoring cases as they are on the rise in Michigan, and holding my breath each time a new death is announced. Running has always been a release for me. Now it's also an escape. I'm grateful that I'm able bodied and can get outside most days to enjoy nature and breathe in fresh air. But then I get home, and it's a stark reminder of this strange new world we're living in. Kids aren't in school, I'm struggling to work from home and remain productive. I worry about my job, I work in politics and the Election is going to come no matter where I'm working or whether the global outbreak still has us on our toes. There is so much to do at work and at home and I find it incredibly hard to find balance. I went to the grocery store yesterday and looked at the faces of people around me and I saw panic in...